8 Amazing Travel Destinations for Cat-Lovers

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Do you love cats? Do you love travel? If you answered yes to these questions, then you’re in the right place! There are so many cool places to see around the world, but if you’re a cat-lover then there are some places that you should definitely add to your bucket list.

From cat islands to cat sanctuaries, and from cats living historical places to famous literary cat descendants, there are plenty of amazing, strange, and delightful places to visit cats around the world. So let’s take a look at eight of the most fun travel destinations for cat-lovers!

1. Largo di Torre Argentina, Italy

Largo di Torre Argentina is a square in Rome, Italy where you can find the ruins of Pompey’s Theatre. From history, we know that Julius Caesar was killed in the Curia of Pompey’s Theatre…which makes this square the place he is believed to have been assassinated.

But not only is Largo di Torre Argentina famous because of this connection to Julius Caesar. It is also famous as a cat sanctuary! Since the 1950s, people have been feeding the feral cats who live in the area and volunteers come every day of the week to feed, vaccinate, and otherwise care for the cats. There are over 150 cats living in and around the ruins!

Many of the cats you will see in this area are very friendly, and several of them are up for adoption alongside the cats from other colonies nearby. You can show up and meet the cats and talk with volunteers and maybe even take your own new cat home. It really doesn’t get much better than finding a friendly cat in such a historical place!

2. Lanai Cat Sanctuary

If you’re ever in Hawaii, you need to stop by this amazing cat sanctuary on Lanai! There are currently over 600 cats at this outdoor, cage-less sanctuary and it’s truly a sight to see. The cats are taken care of by donations from the public and through volunteer programs (which you can join if you want during your vacation!)

If you’re looking to find a new cat or are just looking to say hello to some feline friends and lend a helping hand, you’ll love visiting this unique place. Can’t visit Hawaii anytime soon? Well, at least you can still check out these cats on Instagram!

3. Cat Jetty, San Diego

Mission Bay in San Diego is home to a place now locally known as “Cat Jetty,” where several cats live and spend their days. There used to be a lot more cats here but through a process of humanely trapping and spaying/neutering the cats the population is now under control and there are far fewer.

When you visit, you can find the cats down in the rocks in a strip that juts out into the water. You can also bring dry food and water to share with the cats when you visit! A volunteer usually sets out food bowls for the cats a little before sunset, so this can be a really good time to visit if you want to see them all emerging from the rocks.

4. Philosopher’s Walk, Japan

In Kyoto, Japan, you’ll find a lovely walkway called the Philosopher’s Walk. This pathway wanders along a canal lined with cherry trees, so it is especially beautiful in spring!

But you know what else is beautiful? All the chubby kitties that live along this path! There seems to be a whole colony of them, and they’ll watch you as you walk along the way. Although they are feral cats, most of them look very well taken care of and there were locals out feeding them when I was there. So this walkway is a really special place for its beauty, but is definitely a must for any cat-lover looking for a great destination to visit!

5. Chefchaouen, Morocco

Chefchaouen is a beautiful city in Morocco…and if you’ve seen it before, you’ll certainly recognize it! Why? Well, it’s known as the “blue pearl of Morocco” and is Instagram-famous as the blue city because of its beautiful blue buildings!

But Chefchaouen is also famous for another reason: cats! Cats are pretty much everywhere here: in the markets, on the sidewalks, in restaurants, in alleyways. Pretty much everywhere you go you’ll see your feline friends wandering or lazing about. What a cat-lover’s dream! Ready to book your flight? (Of course you are!)

6. Tashirojima Island, Japan

Tashirojima is a small island off the coast of Japan, but while it is inhabited it has chiefly come to be known as the “Cat Island.” This is because of the huge population of stray cats living here that are fed by locals. The cat population now even outnumbers the human population of the island!

And even more fun, you can even stay in cat-shaped cabins for the night if you want to come and visit and stay near these cats! Could you really ask for anything more?

7. McCaig’s Tower, Scotland

Throughout Scotland, there are a ton of local cats who are friendly and love to say hello. But one particular place you can find one particular cat is McCaig’s Tower in Oban, Scotland.

McCaig’s Tower is a large structure built overlooking the town. It was commissioned (and designed) by John Stuart McCaig and began being constructed in 1897. While McCaig intended this to be an elaborate structure like the Colosseum in Rome and a monument to his family, his death ended the construction before his vision could be completed. Today, it stands as an empty shell over the skyline.

While it’s fascinating to visit in itself, and provides excellent views of the town and ocean, there is another reason for cat-lovers to visit. One very sweet (but grumpy-looking) cat loves to stand guard over this tower. It’s there most days and enjoys looking majestic and Scottish and saying hello to any visitors who happen by, so be sure to stop in and say hello to this furry friend!

8. Ernest Hemingway House, Florida

The Ernest Hemingway House in Key West, Florida is an excellent stop for literary-loving and cat-loving travelers. This house, Hemingway’s actual residence from 1931-1939, was designated a U.S. National Historic Landmark and is open to the public to visit today.

Hemingway famously owned a host of six-toed cats, beginning with his polydactyl kitten Snow White who lived in this home with him and his family during the 1930s. Snow White was a gift from a sea captain and began a long line of cats who are still living at the Ernest Hemingway House today!

Of the cats living at the museum, there are around 40-50 polydactyl (six-toed) cats…but all the cats here have the polydactyl gene in their DNA because many of them can trace their lineage back to Hemingway’s original Snow White. They all do vary in size, color, personality, and other traits because any breed can manifest the unusual six-toed aspect.

Hemingway usually named his cats after famous people, so the museum tries to follow that same tradition today. When you visit, you can meet the cats and learn all about them and their fun celebrity names!

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If you love travel AND love cats, then why not travel to some of these amazing places to visit cats all over the world?  From cat sanctuaries to cat cities, there are lots of places you can enjoy seeing and helping out your feline friends across the globe. | #travel #cat #cats #catlovers #bucketlist

2 thoughts on “8 Amazing Travel Destinations for Cat-Lovers

  1. Katie says:

    As a massive cat lover – thanks for giving me some more places to add to my bucket list! Some other kitty-friendly places I have been include Istanbul – cats everywhere and most look pretty well looked after and Flamengo Park in Rio de Janeiro come to mind – I’m sure there are more that don’t come to mind right now.

    • Abi Johnson says:

      You’re welcome, Katie – I’m glad you’ve found some new places to go! I always love seeing cats on my travels, so my heart is happy that there are others like you who love it so much as well 🙂 I will definitely be adding Istanbul and Flamengo Park to my bucket list now too, so thanks for sharing!

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